
Crush the Doubt

Doubt. It's something that can creep into any athlete's mind at any given time. I definitely had a lot of it last week. When you can't mentally focus it can really affect your training. My knee has been up and down lately and my long run the weekend before felt like the most garbage run I've had in a while. But, I'm always one to preach about not getting down on yourself even if your performance is lacking. I legit cried for a moment during that run as I was coming into the home stretch. "I don't know if I can do this", I said out loud to my husband who was cycling next to me. Going for a personal record can bring on some of the toughest training. After I got home, I snapped out of my funk and focused my mind back to what mattered. Today. One day at a time. The race isn't for another 8 or so weeks. One day will not make or break the finish. This past week, I took some time off of running to give my knee a rest. I cycled Monday through Wednesday. I feel like biking workouts are harder than running workouts! Tuesday was roughly 86 minutes in the saddle full of different intervals and a heavy climb. I got my butt handed to me but it felt SO good. Sometimes you have to power through that fog to really see yourself again. If you're ever having doubt in yourself, just stop and take a moment. Breath. Rise up. Say to yourself "You are strong". That's something I learned from my yoga instructor. 

I'm going to try and get through this quickly as I can since I only have 23% battery left. The charger is on the other side of the room and I'm content on the floor icing my knee. Give me a break. This entry will probably be shorter than the others. 

During my Whole Foods order this past week, I put some JUST Egg in my cart to finally give it a try. I typically am just one to make tofu scrambles when I want something that's "egg" like. I'm all for trying these new fad vegan foods, though. 

So, for starters, it was $4.99 for this 12oz bottle. I still buy eggs for my husband and they are $5.99 for a dozen (Vital Farms; it's the only brand I'll buy because it's as close to 'humane' as I can get). There weren't any real instructions on the bottle. It literally just says "scramble like an egg". Okay. I ended up going to their website to get a better idea of what to do. Oil? No oil? Butter? Do tell me so I don't mess this up. Their site confirmed to add some oil or butter to a warm pan. I poured enough in the pan to basically coat the bottom, as seen above in the background. They start to bubble as they get warm so I moved them around, as you would with eggs. As they started to become closer to being done, the serving was smaller than half a piece of bread. I ended up cooking the whole bottle to make enough to feed us. I eat a lot of food, what can I say.

They definitely do turn out fluffy but again, you need to make a lot to get a good portion size. Overall taste? Not terrible. Definitely doesn't taste like eggs, but not terrible. Not delicious either, though, in my opinion. I do like that they are cholesterol-free. Would I buy it again? Probably not. While I do appreciate that there is a plant-based egg replacement option, I think you're better off just cooking up some tofu. I definitely would get more of a serving size from 3-4 eggs than the whole bottle of this stuff. Maybe you've had JUST Egg and loved it. That's great! We all have our own sense of taste and likes. I am curious about their mayo but I think I'll stick to making my own. Not all of these fad vegan foods taste amazing. However, it makes me happy to see so many options available. I think the number of people trying plant-based diets has increased, especially during these pandemic times. Go team plants!


  1. I personally love Just Egg, but I can't eat it plain. It's really good with sauteed veggies, then add in a bit of this product to bind it all together. It also makes a good egg replacement for French toast, etc. $4.99 is a fantastic price! The cheapest I've found here is $5.39, but it's usually $7.99! Glad you are keeping up with training. I've been a lazy bum... only keeping up with my runs for the past couple of weeks. It's so HOT and HUMID!

    1. $7.99?! Holy cannoli. Now I can definitely see it being good for French toast! I'll have to give that a try. Ugh, humidity is the worst. Be safe!
