So, remember last week, when I said things were going well? They were until they weren't.

I set out for three easy runs last week. Monday felt fine, Wednesday felt alright with some slight pain, and Thursday, well let's just say that afternoon, it felt like someone hit my knee with a sledgehammer. Like many, I try to defer going to the doctor unless I believe there's a real problem or the problem persists. Don't be like me. Go at the first sign of pain. I even worked in the medical field so you'd think I'm a picture-perfect patient. Thursday, I threw the towel in and called to make an appointment for that following morning. Now, the pain in my knee wasn't really worse really but it definitely wasn't better. You could notice swelling compared to my left and the pain area was definitely easier to identify because it seemed to have built a home on the interior part. After some exercises, adjusting certain ways, and the other fancy crap, she determined that my meniscus is fine (oh good, there's a positive) but I indeed have some really bad tendonitis. So bad, the swelling pushed my patella slightly out of place. I left with a physical therapy script and a warning of "no impact activities for at least the next month" and to wait until I was evaluated by therapy. Now, this isn't my first dance around the room with PT. I'm actually a huge advocate for it. But, with traveling the next three-ish weeks, I can't start until October. After chatting with my coach and deciding to be the bigger person, I've decided to withdraw from my fall half marathon. That was really hard to swallow. Lots of tears were shed. Lots of WHY ME. Lots of why do I even still run. This is my third injury in a year in a half. But, alas, we will come through. I still have plans for a winter race that I will eventually be discussing later on in November. For now, I'll be mastering my yogi-self, building strength, and trying to learn how to swim better.

After sulking basically all weekend, it's a new week. New, fun things are ahead. I've accepted the fact that I won't be running for quite some time. Can't lie and say I get sad scrolling through Instagram seeing all of my amazing running friends accomplishing great goals but 'comparison is the thief of joy'. Don't worry, I'm still super happy for all of you.
OKAY. Now that the world's worst update is done. I do have new food to share. Ta-da:

So, think of your typical summer noodle salad but put an Asian twist on it. The only thing that requires cooking is the noodles unless you decide to add tofu like I did. Nothing wrong with extra protein! It's refreshing, hits the tongue with some spice, and is super easy to make with leftovers for the next day. Sam, you did me right again. You can click here to get the recipe!
That's it for this week, folks. I will probably take a break from updating as I will be out of town for most of September but you can always follow me on the 'gram (is that how they say it?) to keep in touch with my whereabouts: @britanyg :)
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